Portsmouth Labour Party Standing up for you and our city
Cllr Yinka Adeniran is the Labour Councillor for Charles Dickens Ward in Portsmouth and was elected in May 2022. Yinka is Labour’s Spokesperson for Health, Wellbeing & Social Care, where she helps drive up standards in local health and social care services. Yinka is also a member of the Licensing Committee, which is a regulatory committee that issues licences for everything from taxis, to pubs and restaurants.
Outside of formal councilor roles, Yinka is a registered Manager and runs a Care Agency (Ultimate Care Agency Limited), providing relief and cover staff to care homes and also a registered Social Worker. Yinka is a longstanding activist in Buckland and a member of Unite the Union. Yinka is an active trade Unionist.
Yinka runs ward advice surgery on every second Wednesday of the month excluding August from 11:00 – 12:30 at the Buckland Housing Office, 57 – 61 Kingston Rd, Portsmouth, PO2 7DP
Yinka can be contacted via:
Mobile: 07818 – 427701
Email: Cllr.Yinka.Adeniran@portsmouthcc.gov.uk